Reflection of My Paper Writing Process

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Recently, I have been writing quite a few essays and papers throughout my college experience. This entails, but not limited to, English, History, and Economics. My style of writing and methods have generally remained the same throughout the process. In this assignment, I will be discussing how I prepare to start a paper, what my thoughts are through the process, and my strengths and weaknesses of what my final drafts look like. What I use to start my paper is what I use when I finish my paper. I use Microsoft Word as my main source of writing my drafts. My secondary method is writing done interesting facts and statements I found during my research that I want to come back to when I am typing the rough draft. I find that writing important things down helps with my time efficiency and keeps me more focused on my research, instead of copy, pasting, and switching screens each time. I believe writing a rough draft with our advancement of technology a waste of time for me, and I choose to use Word for my drafts. It is neatly presented for proofreading. My handwriting is not the best, and I feel that it is easier to read off of a computer screen than reading messy handwriting. Not to mention that Word does a large amount of proofreading for you. Today, everyone is so used to reading off of a computer screen that it has become natural, but depending on who can proofread my paper, it can be right on the screen or from a hard copy. I do believe I work more efficient typing than any other method I used in the past. As soon as I have a good understanding about my research topic, I normally do not have an issue starting my paper using a Word document. One thing I will say is that I tend to procrastinate on many assignments, but I do not think this is necessarily a negative thing for myself. I have always worked well under pressure, and I feel that it makes me more efficient in achieving my goals. For school, I am the same way, but not completely last minute or hour though. To me, starting a paper a couple days before it is due has become a standard for me because I believe that I value the time I have to finish, rather than pondering and becoming side tracked more often.

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