Powerpoint Versus Pecha Kucha

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PowerPoint and Pecha Kucha are both tools for slideshow-based presentation, but they present information in drastically different ways. The key difference between their formats is in the timing of the resulting slideshow. This time difference gives each program its benefits and disadvantages.

PowerPoint is a Microsoft program used for presentations. The presentations consist of a number of slides, which are individual pages, generally shown in landscape orientation. Text, pictures, videos or whatever else can be incorporated into any given slide. Most often templates are used to provide a consistent style and format of information presented throughout the slideshow.

PowerPoint has many benefits. Given its many available formats and ease of changing the layout and style of all of the slides simultaneously through changes to a master slide it is easy to put together a presentation, much easier than the mediums it remediates such as actual slides or overhead projector pages. Using PowerPoint to create and organize visual aids for an information intense talk can be incredibly useful in both the education and business worlds. People who may have not have used visual aids in the past are able to explain their business ideas or present their lectures in a clear, visually interesting way. People who have experience with older visual aid mediums are now able to do it in a much easier way. PowerPoint allows speakers to better engage their audience, including more images and video into their presentations. Still images and video capture visual interest which allows the speaker to better get her/his points across to an audience.

However, not everyone uses the tools available in PowerPoint to create interesting and captivating ...

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... instructor or teacher can then spend as much time as necessary on a particular piece of information that requires further explanation or more detail.

In conclusion, both PowerPoint and Pecha Kucha formats have their advantages and drawbacks. PowerPoint is better suited for topics requiring more detail or introduction of a new subject but can be extremely tedious if not done with interesting visual aids. Pecha Kucha can be very engaging and to the point but is not suited for introducing new topics or for great detail due to its time constraints.

Works Cited

Garber, Angela R. "Death By Powerpoint". Small Business Computing. 1 April 2001.

Young, Forest. “What Is Pecha Kucha?”. Push Here. 3 September 2008.

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