Personal Leadership Challenges

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Leadership is a simple word that easy to say but in reality difficult to apply it. The fact as we can always found, there is still problems about leadership in either military or governmental and civilian. Those who are not able to distinguish between commander and boss will encounter many problems in their leadership. The complexity challenges that they face right now are higher rather than the old times, and the challenges in the future will become more complex. Eventually, if a leader cannot perform his/her leadership by right, it will give bad effect to the members, culture and organization.
This paper will attempt to illustrate my perspective about personal leadership challenges in the future appointment. First, I will begin with the Ah-Ha moment based on my experience during service in military. Secondly, I will describe key aspects of the leadership context on my next appointment. Thirdly, I will describe key leadership requirements. Fourthly, I will identify my strengths and weaknesses and how to deal with the gaps for the next appointment. Finally, I will summarize this paper with conclusion.
Ah-Ha Moment
The one significant Ah-Ha moment that came to me was my experience in several different units and appointments in the Army. When I try connecting the leadership materials from LIC modules to my past experience, the Ah-Ha moment can answer the question about how come a Special Forces unit which led by an unskilled and incompetence commander still could perform at its best. At that time, the commander has lack of skill and competencies; he showed this in his daily activities especially when he handled problems. Seems that when he encounter the challenges in the unit, his decision was visionless and he applied ...

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... the feedback will help me to see the improvement I have made including positive or negative action I have taken.
As a military officer, we need to continuously improve ours leadership align with the development of knowledge and technology so it will be effective. With this reflection on leadership has made me aware of my weaknesses and I am more prepare to improve my leadership skills so I can confident to take on my leadership tour.

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Shamir, B., & Ben-Ari, E., (1999), Out-of-the-box-leadership: Transforming the twenty-first-century soldier. Stamford.
Chan, Kim-Yin (2011), Military Leadership in the 21st Century, Singapore.
Wong, L., Bliese, P. & McGurk, D. (2003), The Leadership Quarterly, PA: Strategic Studies Institute.

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