The Perils of Alcoholism

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I chose to do a research paper on Alcoholism due to the overwhelming effects and dependency that so many people suffer through this addiction or disease. It is alarming to find out that so many Americans have become so dependent upon alcohol. Not only are adults addicts of this horrible disease but many young children and teenagers are struggling with this type of addiction. It may start of as a way of coping or perhaps from peer pressure. There are many varying factors that have come into play when you begin to examine as to why so many adults, young adults, and adolescents begin drinking. Coping may be their excuse when life gets stressful they lean towards numbing the pain by using this known Central Nervous System depressant. The problem with alcoholism is not only the harmful effects it known to cause one’s own health but it also doubles with problems in relationships and many other things. A person who has this problem will suffer the effects of it and it will show in their everyday life, whether this is while working or perhaps going to college.
In order for me to understand the effects of alcohol I began researching how it affects a person from the time they consume a drink and how quickly it enters the blood stream. To define Alcohol it is known as ethyl alcohol, grain alcohol, ethanol, fermentation alcohol. A colorless, limpid, volatile, flammable water-miscible liquid. The effect is intoxication from fermented liquors, produced by yeast fermentation or certain carbohydrates. Alcohol is normally consumed through the mouth it then passes to the stomach. While in the stomach a small amount of the alcohol will become absorbed into the bloodstream. The rest that is consumed then ...

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...e decides to have a drink. It is better to abstain from it rather than try it. I feel this is the best approach. Alcohol in moderation is the next best step in being responsible.

Alcohol. (n.d.). WHO. Retrieved February 19, 2014, from alcohol. (n.d.). Retrieved February 19, 2014, from
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