The Party’s Attitude Toward Love and Sexuality

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The Party’s attitude toward love and sexuality 1984 is a novel written by George Orwell, the main theme of the novel is about how totalitarian society can control every aspect of a person thought, sexuality and action. Totalitarianism can be define as a repressive one-party that has total control over people thoughts and actions. In 1984, people are being control totally by the Party through device such as the telescreen. People are stripped away from their freedom to do things that they want. The Party wants people to only focus on improving the Party and set everything else aside. Love is nonexistent in this government and the Party’s policy strictly forbids sex. The Party restrains people from falling in love with one another. Consequently, people cannot display their love for each other out in public. Furthermore, sex for pleasure can be considered a crime in 1984’s totalitarian government unless it is “celibacy”. Goodsex is any kind of sex that is allowable by the Party with the intention to reproduce. Goodsex will increase the total population. The more people the Party has the stronger the Party will be. Repression helps the party and hurts the people who have to tolerate the Party’s policy. The Party’s repression of sexuality helps them eliminate people who are trying to corrupt the Party, ensuring the Party that they have control over what people can and cannot do. By repressing people thoughts and actions the Party is psychologically manipulating people and physically restraining them. Love is an underlying theme in the novel. Love can be seen as nonexistence in this totalitarian society. The marriage between Winston and Katherine was a disastrous one because they were only married for fifteen months and they can n... ... middle of paper ... ... are aware of the evil plans of the Party. Works Cited Gardner, Averil. “ Chapter 7: The Last Man in Europe: Nineteen Eighty-Four.” George Orwell. Averil Gardner. Boston: Twayne, 1987. Twayne’s English Author Series 455. Literature Resource Center. Web. 22 July 2010. Jung, Carl. “The Personal and the Collective Unconsciousness.” A World of Ideas. Ed. Lee A. Jacobus. 8th ed. Boston/New York: Bedford/St.Martin’s, 2006. 490-500. Print. Orwell, George. “1984”. New York, NY: Penguin Group, 1949. 133. Print. Parascandola, Louis J. “Love and sex in a totalitarian society: an exploration of Ha Jin and George Orwell (1).” Studies in the Humanities 33.1 (2005):38+. Literature Resource Center. Web. 22 July 2010. Place, Troy. “Orwell’s ‘1984.’(George Orwell)(Critical Essay).” The Explicator 61.2(2003): 108+. Literature Resource Center. Web. 22 July 2010.

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