Our Day at the Fair was a Red Balloon

1985 Words4 Pages

In the desert stood a small and polite town. The low-slung houses nestled in beside each other burned a crisp white in the noon sun.
The stripes were not so visible on the back of his neck as across his little bare arms.
The sun was still high but the shadows were casting further by the hour.
His clothes, covered in torn holes revealing a constellation of scabby scars mixed with brown and purple markings.
The boy in the pram held on to the balloon’s ribbon so tightly with his chubby little fist that the skin around his knuckles began to pale and blotch. His eyes remained fixed on the balloon above him as his eldest brother pushed him through the maze of deserted streets. The sun was high but the narrow rows of flat-topped houses three or four stories high cast welcome shelter from the sun.
They headed toward a bright opening cut into the cool shadow between two glistening blue and white houses. The dust was kicking up and onto the main street. The street was just as empty as the others, but wider and the sun came beating down on them both.
The boy never let his eyes move from the big red balloon. Soon the black asphalt of the street became gritty and then a little further paled with dust and then great washes of sand slowed the wheels of the pram to a near halt.
The boy’s brother bent his back into the pram and looking straight down he felt his feet slide around in his shoes as he pushed and when they reached the heavier drifts he turned the pram about and pulled. His head beaded with sweat stung his eyes. He stopped for a moment to choose an easier path through the sand but the street ahead was getting deeper with it. Deep between the houses.
The boy’s brother looked down at the boy and then up to the bobbing balloon and th...

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...he last ray of sun and burst into a burning red with a golden crest right the way around it. The little boy opened his fist and let the ribbon run between his thumb and for finger and the balloon was free. First it went up and then caught by some turbulent wind was thrown down toward the ground and just before it hit it swung up again and flew off toward the town. Still very low, it trailed over the roofs weaving between television aerials and became very small and then it cut a shadow against the sky that became a dot and then it was gone. The little boy watched after it.

The little boy sat back down in the pram and found the freshest sandwich and took a bite and chewed and then put it away again. His brother pulled the wide cork stopper from the wine bottle and gave it to the little boy. The boy took a swig and made a face of disgust and then took another swig.

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