Opposing the Vietnam War

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Opposing the Vietnam War

The War in Vietnam is one of the most controversial arguments in history. The

main reason That it is so controversial, is because we lost. Both democrats and republicans argue

that the way the war was handled should have been differently. Some ask why bother, the war

is over and done with; that there is nothing anyone can do to change it. The amazing thing about

history though is that we can learn from our mistakes, and make sure that nothing like this ever

happens again. Then again, if the Vietnam never happened we would have better relations with

foreign countries. America would not be in such a large dept if the war had never occurred. The

soldiers were scarred for life because of the Vietnam War, and today have many stories to tell.

For the first time in history, America lost a war to a foreign country.

One of the main problems with America is that it interferes with other nations and butts

into their situations. Why does America jump into things that do not concern it? Well some

people argue it is to protect the world from communism or some other form of tyranny.

Unfortunately sometimes it is best to stay on our own turf. If America interferes too much, things

like Vietnam will happen. The main reason for the U.S entering the war was to stop Communist

expansion. But Digital History says that “ The war's critics also rejected the notion that the war

was necessary to halt Chinese expansionism, noting that Vietnamese history revealed centuries

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of bitter enmity between Vietnam and China.” (Digital History 1)

Another reason why the United states should have stayed out of Vietnam is because it

Wasn’t necessary for ...

... middle of paper ...

...raid of anything that is different. When there is a

country that has a different system of government, America goes in to change it. This is the

reason why many countries don’t trust us, and don’t want to trade with us.

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Works Cited

Digital History.com. “Why was the United States in Vietnam?” Digital History.com Web. 29 Mar. 2010

History.com. “Vietnam War” History.com Web. 29 Mar. 2010.

Rosenberg, Jennifer. “Vietnam War” About.com web. 29 Mar. 2010.

Rothschild, Matthew. “Refighting the Vietnam War - biased newspaper coverage of the

anniversary of end of Vietnam War - Brief Article” BNET.com June 2000 Web. 29 Mar. 2010.

Shipway, Martin. “The Road To War”. Oxford: Berghahn Books, 1996

Small, Melvin, and William D. Hoover. “Give Peace a Chance” New York: Syracuse University

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