My Least Favorite Class My Freshman Year

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The class that I like the least my freshman year is government, not only did I find out after half of the semester that I did not need the class I found out that I could not drop the class because I had to have 12 credits for my financial aid to cover my classes. I was so mad at my advisor for putting me in a class that I did not need and putting me in a situation that I could not do anything about. So I finished the class and ended with a low grade because I did not enjoy the class. I did not like the teacher he made a lot of squiggly lines and boxes and circles and I need words not just random drawings on a dry erase board and that was not even the worst part I told him that I couldn’t understand his way of teaching and he told me to do the best I can so I think it’s his fault that I didn’t do well. I also got the book to the class to find out that he don’t teach out of the book so I paid for it for no reason, he did not teach anything out of the book which is where I turned to since I could not understand him. Then I could not understand a word he said his accent was so bad that ...

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