Speech About Moving Away From High School

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I'm so very sorry to hear about your grandmother. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. I'm also sorry to hear about your car accident, I hope you start to feel better soon! If you start to feel worse make sure you go right to the doctors. You don't want to play around with your health, but I'm sure you know that. Keep your head up, and remember life's lessons make us who we are. Everything happens for a reason, even if we don't understand it.

You are a tough cookie for taking all those classes your very first semester, you should be proud of yourself! It's okay to drop a class, we are only human and can only handle so much at once. Maybe next semester take a few of your easier classes with your harder classes, mix it up and take a verity. That way you don't have to much pressure all at once. For example, take one of your level 100 required classes like heath or something. That way you can still take the same amount of classes, but not all of them are crazy hard or require a lot of work. Does that make sense? Just don't save all your harder classes for the end (advice I always received from others). …show more content…

Again, remember everything happens for a reason. Some doors arn't meant to be open, because better opportunities await. Just keep trying and don't give up. Sometimes life gets really hard, but what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger. Also remember to try to take time for just yourself, like taking a yoga class or eating some ice cream. Lots of ice cream :) I sometimes forget to do that myself, and then I'm reminded by people wiser than

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