Stereotyping of Car Club Members

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Everyone has heard the saying don’t judge a book by a cover. Sadly every minute of the day someone gets judged because of assumptions that are not correct. These assumptions overtime eventually lead to stereotypes. A stereotype is an image or idea of a particular type of person. Stereotyping a person is seen in many differents aspects such as race, groups, beliefs, appearance, etc. An individual may ask why people are stereotyped or stereotype. In reality stereotyping helps people categorize the different type of people. It narrows down the options of who one might want to associate with. Stereotyping can have its negatives, it makes people ignore how others really are. It may lead to a person not wanting to hang out with another person because of the stereotype that persons group has. Everyday the general public use cars for the means of transportation. But what about when people use their car for more than transportation, car enthusiasts often modify their cars to their likings. Enthusiasts often join car clubs to share their common interests with other car enthusiasts. Often the people in car clubs have a stereotype of being juvenile, racing a lot, low-life bums, and ghetto when actually most do not have those characteristics. Stereotypes, it happens everyday with people not even realizing it. Everyone has a set of friends they feel comfortable associating with. The way people choose who to be around with is generally that group has common interests with the person. For example, a new kid at a school can easily find friends he is comfortable with just by observing how they are. Stereotyping can help in many other ways. It can help with troubling situations because it will make it easier to find help with a group of people you... ... middle of paper ... ...mbers of a car club do, and they will find a way to fulfill that goal. Stereotypes and misconceptions will continue to be shaped. Before making assumptions on individuals that belong to groups that are stereotyped, make sure to get to know the person before a misconception is formed. Works Cited Adams, Lindsey. "Local Group Wants to Change Image of Street Racing." 23ABC News. Scripps TV Station Group, 28 Nov. 2013. Web. Figueroa, Daniel. Interview. Kirby, Cameron. "Police, Car Enthusiasts Bond during Paul Walker Memorial Drive." N.p., 16 Dec. 2013. Web. Tannen, Deborah. “His Politeness Is Her Powerlessness.” You Just Don’t Understand: women and men in conversation. New York: HarperCollins, 1990. 203-5. Print. Wall, Stephen. "RIVERSIDE: Latin Bombas Car Club Aims to Help Community."Breaking News. Enterprise Media, 29 Nov. 2013. Web.

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