The Negative Effects Of Stereotyping In The Modern Society

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With the modern day fad of being politically correct, stereotyping is seen with a negative view. Oversimplifying people can spawn many different reactions, but many aspects of the world are built upon the foundation of stereotyping. It can not only be a useful thing, but it can also be a very effective way of deciding how to react to someone. While stereotypes may seem rash and uneducated, many of them have been created for a reason.
Most of the reasons that stereotyping is viewed in a negative light is because it can often lead to prejudice and bigotry. One of the main examples of this is racism.
According to Gary M. Grobman, racist are "People who maintain that their own race is superior to all others," and that racist "are the most …show more content…

Cognitive psychology on the categorization process highlights the explanation for why stereotyping occurs. According to Michigan State University, "People like to, want to, need to categorize the world, both the social and physical world, into preferably neat little groups." [slide 3] This means that people stereotype not because they a rude, but because it is a natural need. By applying all of the group information to all of its members, categorization eventually saves processing time. Stereotyping also satisfies the need to understand and predict the social world. A stereotype contains a general glance at what someone is going to do. By applying a stereotype to a person, a guess can be made on what that person is like. This can lead to either the befriending or dismissing of an individual. As a society that has a constant need to belong, stereotyping can make one feel better about himself. Grouping oneself into a stereotype can make one feel like a part of a whole, a necessary example of a group. Ingroup favorability bias is brought on by this concept. No matter how good or bad someone 's ideas are, there will always be someone who shares them. This extends to always thinking that the idea you hold true is better than someone else 's, which is the definition of ingroup favorability …show more content…

One way is through social structure. Social structure can be dissected into multiple parts. The best example of this can be seen in teen girls and their cliques. According to Rosalind Wiseman, "Cliques are sophisticated, complex, and multilayered, and every girl has a role within them." She later discusses the various classifications of the girls ' roles, and how they are stereotyped into them. Stereotyping people has had a strong influence on popular culture. From television shows to music, representations of different types of people have all been focused on. In some cases for television shows, there may sometimes be a "token" character which is a character whose sole purpose is to act as representation for some sort of stereotypical group. In music, many artist have spoken out against stereotyping. For example, Kendrick Lamar 's album "To Pimp a Butterfly" puts a focus on racism and highlights the social unjust that African Americans face in daily

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