Managing Employees from Different Generations

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There are a lot of causes to the world’s complexities in today’s time, but one very important factor is the mixing of generations in a workplace. This factor cannot only cause a grandson to have a disagreement with his grandfather or a daughter to fight with her mom but also two individuals in a workplace to argue over work related matters. Each generation have their experiences, stories, music, beliefs, interests and characteristics. The gap in generation can cause various implementations on the workforce such as disagreements, quarrels, different mindsets, comfort levels and work ethics. Three diverse generations to support this research are:

1. Baby Boomers
2. Generation X
3. Generation Y

Baby Boomers, who are usually born between the year 1946 and 1964, are known to be one of the competitive individuals. When it comes to their work ethics and values, they work efficiently and desire to present quality work. This generation consists of people who hold high positions of power and authority. Majority of the generation are corporate executives, senior managers and law firm leaders. For these individuals, work is an exciting adventure, which should never end. Unlike other generations Baby Boomers believe that they work to live and achieve. Most of them enjoy interactive communication but are not comfortable with feedback on their job. Being a team player and taking part in decisions and responsibilities while attending meetings all day is what they consider essential and a daily routine to their life. A few common characteristics of the Baby Boomer generation are:

1. Work-Centric
2. Independent
3. Goal-Oriented
4. Competitive
5. Interactive
6. Motivated to achieve the best results

Generation X, born between the year 196...

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