Managerial Communication

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Managerial Communication 1. What Is Managerial Communication? Managerial communications involves gathering important information from both inside and out side the organization and distributing appropriate information to others who need it. If you carefully analyze a mangers job it is evident that managerial communication is essential for every management function known to business. For example, when managers perform the planning function, they gather information, write letters, memos, and reports, and then meet with other managers to explain the plan. When managers lead, they communicate to share a vision of what the organization can be and motivate employees to help achieve it, when managers organize, they gather information about the state of the organization and communicate a new structure to others. In this light it is safe to conclude that managerial communication is a fundamental part of every managerial activity. While Managerial communication is a wide area of study. I will be focusing on two key areas, namely organizational communication and internal communication. Organizational communication is how people communicate within an organization or the influence of organizational structures in communicating. Interpersonal communication deals with interaction between people. 1.1 Organizational Communication Organizational communication can be briefly stated as how people communicate within an organization and with outside parties, or the influence and interaction with organizational structures in communicating and organizing. The majority of analysts on organizations, management and leadership state that effective communications is the basis for effectiveness in any type of organization. It is of the view that th... ... middle of paper ... ... southwestern 4. Hofstede Geert (2002) Culture and Organizations, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill. 5. A Falikowski (2002) Mastering Human Relations, 3rd Edition 6. Gayle Lantz (2004), "Conversations Can Be the Key to a Manager's Success", 7. Susan M. Heathfield, (2006). Guide to Human Resources newsletter, April 2006 8. Griffin (1991) First Look at Communication Theory, First Edition, pp49-53 9. Fernando Bartolome (1993)"The Articulate Executive", Harvard Business Review, December, pp 16-21 10. Ralph G. Nichols, Fernando Bartolome, Chris Argyris, Leonard A. Stevens (1999) "Effective Communication", Harvard Business Review, August, pp 211-215 11. Donnell King (2002) "Interpersonal Communication", University of Houston 12. Susan Pilgrim (2004)" Identify business communication styles for business success",

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