Legalization of LGBT Marriages

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Legalization of [LGBT] marriages nationwide? This is one of the biggest controversies for the past decade. Every human being should be entitled to love and be with whomever they feel is the human being to complete them and get married; regardless of their gender. Throughout the gay community, us, gays don’t really understand why we can’t get equal marriage rights nationwide. If the government and society would take religion out of the equation, what could be said? Homosexuals’ that wants to get married doesn’t affect anyone, its an more acceptable lifestyle nowadays, it can also increase the adoption rates, and also the only the that should matter is the love humans have for there significant others. Yes, I am Pro-Gay Rights, every homosexual couple should be treated equally and granted every right and privilege that a heterosexual couple has.
Marriage? Marriage is taking someone as one’s wife or husband. The revised definition is the formal union of a man and a woman. Homosexual couples that want to get married shows that they want a commitment to each other for a life time just like heterosexuals have legally, not an order of domestic partnerships The Human Rights Campaign Foundation states that many same-sex couples “want the right to legally marry [and] honor their relationship in the greatest way our society has to offer…”(Gay). Having homosexual marriages by law isn’t hurting anyone nor society. It is an ultimate expression of love and is a personal vow that’s really not anyone’s business. Same-sex marriage nowadays is considered a civil right, not only that but “one of the key civil rights struggles of our time”(Gay), stated (NAACP) National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Loving or wanting to ...

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