Joan of Arc

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Jeanne d’ Arc was Joan of Arc’s original birth name (“Joan of Arc” par 3). Joan was born in Doremy, France of January 16, 1412. Her father’s name was Jacques d’ Arc and her mother’s was Isabellete Romee. While growing up, Joan was surrounded by many brothers and sisters (Bouett De Monvel 13). She never went to school in her childhood, so Joan never learned to read or write. (“Gale- Free Resource “par 3). Everything she knew about religion and life, mother taught her (“Joan of Arc” par 5). Much of Joan’s time was spent praying to the statues of saints around her village (“Gale- Free Resources par 5). Joan was a white Roman Catholic (“Joan of Arc” par 3). Her whole family was very religious and lived near a church. During the day, Joan usually helped out with her family’s animals and her dad’s heavy work (Bouet De Monvel 13). No one expected something to happen to change this normal lifestyle of Joan’s. Joan had an active and upbeat life. This first major event in Joan’s life led to all the amazing things she had done. When Joan was thirteen she was visited by the saint Archangel Michael. Archangel Michael told Joan to go to church regularly and obey all rules. The saint also told her to take the Dauphin to Reims to be crowned kind (Bouett De Monvel 14). Many other saints came, like Saint Margaret and Saint Catherine. These saints told Joan to free the city of Orleans from British control (Pegues par 2). By the age of sixteen the visits and voices became more insistent on commanding Joan to go and save the king and Orleans. Finally Joan listened to the voices and went to the Bavdri courts in Reims to talk about the voices. She vented to the court that it was god’s will that the Dauphin become king despite his enemies. Joan w... ... middle of paper ... stake as a heretic (Gascoigne par 21). Joan was slowly burnt to death on the streets of Roens. Five years later an imposter pretended to have escaped the flames and claimed to be Joan of Arc (“Joan of Arc” par 22). Her death was a huge loss to the French (Gascoigne par 22). The accomplishments Joan achieved affected life in the Renaissance and even life today. Her success and dedication brought new hope to war-weary people, and drove the English out of France (Pegues par 1). Because of Joan, Charles VII reached his rightful place at throne and stayed there even 30 years after Joan’s Death (Gascoigne par 2). During her lifetime many people thought she used sorcery to convince people, but when she died people realized that indeed, she was divinely led (Gale Free Resources par 18). Joan’s legend of dedication and belief will always be in the world’s heart.

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