Is the Government Really Truthful to Us?

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The government is a really big "organization" with a huge amount of members, and it's obvious somebody is not telling the truth. Most of these dishonest events take place in an attempt to cover up any information that the government thinks is not for public eyes, but which we are supposed to know as citizens of this country. This is called a government conspiracy or cover up.

Many people believe in conspiracies; some even believe too much, but it's very rare that a person believes the government is not hiding at least something from them. There have been hundreds if not thousands of books published on this subject and also numerous TV shows based on conspiracies and cover-ups like the "X-Files". There are even people who research these events for their enjoyment.

There are many internationally known conspiracies, some examples are: the John F. Kennedy assassination, and the Roswell, New Mexico cover-up. Many other conspiracies are not that well known, the TWA flight 800 explosion which was supposedly an accident is one example. Probably the most famous government conspiracy of all ...

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