A Career As A Counseling Psychologist

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A career that I have been interested for a very long time is in Psychology, which is to be a Counseling Psychologist. To be a Counseling Psychologist research is needed to receive a clear understanding of this specific career. For example, it is valuable to know what are the job requirements/duties, being paid hourly or salary, and if it is required to relocate. However, it is very important for me to know does it fit my personality, the exact year of graduation, what schools will I attend, how long it would take to complete my education and how much will my education cost. These are all-important material to be familiar with and are a journey that I am ready to take and experience.
A Counseling Psychologist is someone that works with patients that need intensive help and attention dealing with their mental, emotional, and behavioral problems and disorders in places such as schools, hospitals or individual practices. Their job requirements are to lead groups or individual counseling sessions and be able to talk to people and develop positive mental health and personal growth. Some of the duties as a Counseling Psychologist is to take on are undertaking assessments on mental health needs, risk assessment and psychometric testing. They …show more content…

Must least have a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, which takes about 4 to 5 years to receive. However, to move forward with your education all depends on person’s career goals but for me I would like to move forward in my education. The highest being a Master’s Degree or PhD. To obtain a Master’s Degree it would take an extra 2 to 3 years while PhD is about 4 to 5 years both gives more opportunities to work in different area such in hospitals, schools, and private practices. Though it is also require to be licensed or certified and a 1-year of work training and experience. From this information it tells that my specific graduation for

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