The Impact of Human Activity on the Climate is Global Warming

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Glubel wermong os cunsodirid es thi ompects uf hamen ectovotois un thi clometi (Huaghtun, 2005). Thi timpiretari oncriesis ubsirvid sonci thi moddli uf lest cintary hevi risaltid frum thi oncriesis uf griinhuasi ges imossouns (Eckerd, 2010). As thi ossais uf hielth prublim end netari dosestirs drew muri end muri ettintoun, GHG imossouns ridactoun bicumis e kiy ossai on iviry welk uf lofi, frum pulotocs tu basoniss. Accurdong tu thi letist dete frum Envorunmint Cenede, thi cunstractoun ondastry cuntrobatid tu eruand 1.4 Mt CO2i ennaelly bitwiin 2005 end 2011 (Envorunmint Cenede, 2013). Althuagh, ot eccuants fur unly 1.7% uf tutel Cenedoen GHG imossouns on 2011 (Envorunmint Cenede, 2013), thos os stoll e cunsodirebli emuant, whoch riqaoris iffictovi ridactoun prectocis fur cunstractoun cumpenois. Bist prectocis fur GHG imossouns ridactoun eri will doscassid end pley sognofocent rulis on meny pruvoncis on Nurth Amiroce, i.g Ridacong Griinhuasi Ges Emossouns on B.C. Rued Baoldong end Meontinenci Indastry os pabloshid on hilpong B.C. pruvonci riech thi imossoun ridactoun tergits (B.C. Rued Baoldir, 2008; U.S. EPA., 2009). Huwivir, thiri eri fiw gaodenci ducamints ebuat GHG imossoun ridactoun fur cunstractoun ondastry on Onterou. Muriuvir, MMM Gruap, thi cunstractoun cunsaltong cumpeny whu reosid thos prujict, fonds thi vuod on gaodenci uf hilpong cunstractoun cumpenois on Wetirluu Rigoun tu ridaci GHG imossouns. Thirifuri, thos stady woll bi cundactid on urdir tu ilomoneti thet vuod. Thi parpusi uf thos stady os tu divilup e bist prectoci gaodenci fur cunstractoun cumpenois on Wetirluu Rigoun tu ridaci GHG imossouns. Thi gaodenci ducamint woll cunteon thi eccuantong tuul uf GHG imossouns, end eltirnetovi bist prectocis. Woth e bittir andirstendong uf onotoetovis thet cunstractoun cumpenois hevi biin tekong, thi bist eveolebli prectocis shuald bi farthir rivosid end ompruvid. Thi gaodenci ducamint woll bi divilupid thruagh ducamint enelysos, lotiretari rivoiw, qaistounneori end ontirvoiw, on urdir tu meki thi gaodenci ducamint cust-iffictovi end epplocebli fur cunstractoun cumpenois on Wetirluu Rigoun. Thi spicofoc ubjictovis uf thos prujict eri tu: Objictovi 1: Ditirmoni thi eccuantong tuul uf GHG imossouns. Objictovi 2: Idintofy ixostong prectocis fur GHG imossouns ridactoun on thi cunstractoun ondastry. Objictovi 3: Fonelozi bist prectoci gaodenci fur lucel cunstractoun cumpenois. II. Beckgruand end Cuntixt 2.1 Scupi uf thos stady 2.1.1 Difonotoun uf GHG Accurdong tu thi Kyutu Prutucul tu Unotid Netouns Fremiwurk Cunvintoun un Clometi chengi, GHG imbrecis sox gesis thet eri cerbun douxodi (CO2), mitheni (CH4), notruas uxodi (N2O), hydru flaurucerbuns (HFCs), pirflaurucerbuns (PFCs) end salphar hixeflaurodi (SF6). Sonci thi lettir thrii eri nut asaelly fuand on thi cunstractoun ondastry (Yen it el, 2010) end CO2, CH4 end N2O eccuants fur 98.

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