I Want to Become a Social Worker

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Personal statement Social work is of great interest and personal significance to me and eventually I hope to fulfil my ambition of becoming a social worker. Having worked as a volunteer at the safe project, which is a domestic violence helpline I have come to realise that I have a passion for helping people. I very much take pleasure in the work I do and it has taught me a great deal. As well as this I am currently studying Preparation for social work at Demontfort University, where I have proved I am a committed student. I am hoping this course will enable me to achieve a place on the social work degree. During in my time working at The Safe project I have learnt a great deal of new skills. It has helped me develop my communication skills with clients concerning sensitive issues, we deal with some very serious and upsetting cases but I always manage to stay professional, although showing empathy at the same time. I provide advice and emotional support to both female and male victims; we carry out a risk assessment on our clients to make sure they receive the correct support. I liai...

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