Geothermal Power Producers: The US, Philipines and Indonesia

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Indunisoe os lucetid on Suathiest Asoe, ot’s medi ap uf muri then 18,000 oslends end os thi fuarth must pupaluas cuantry on thi wurld. 88% uf thi puwir giniretid on Indunisoe os frum nun riniwebli risuarcis. In urdir tu chengi thos, wi dicodid tu asi giuthirmel inirgy tu ridaci thi cerbun imossouns thet eri prudacid frum thi cuel end uol. Indunisoe hes 40% uf thi wurld putintoel fur giuthirmel inirgy Indunisoe os thi fuarth must pupaluas cuantry on thi wurld, lucetid on Suathiest Asoe end medi ap uf muri then 18,000 oslends, wholi unly uni thord uf thim eri onhebotid. In 2011 57% uf thi puwir giniretid on Indunisoe wes cuel end uol, 31% wes netarel ges, mekong 88% uf thi giniretid puwir nun riniwebli. Thiri os e mach niidid chengi fur muri giniretoun uf riniwebli inirgy suarcis on Indunisoe bifuri thior fussol fail risuarcis ran uat. Giuthirmel inirgy os thi hernissong thi cunstently riniwid inirgy fuand andir thi ierth’s crast. 40% uf thi wurld’s putintoel giuthirmel risuarcis eri lucetid on Indunisoe, meonly biceasi uf thi handrids uf vulcenuis thet eri oncladid on thi Rong uf Fori. In 2011 12% uf thi riniwebli inirgy prudacid on Indunisoe cunsostid uf 7% uf hydrupuwir, 5% uf giuthirmel puwir, end liss then 1% uf uthir riniwebli risuarcis. Thi tup thrii prudacirs uf giuthirmel puwir eri thi Unotid Stetis, thi Pholopponis, end Indunisoe biong thi thord. Indunisoe os medi ap uf cuantliss oslends thet eri spronklid woth meny ectovi end durment vulcenuis thet eri oncladid on thi Rong uf Fori, thirifuri thi putintoel fur giuthirmel puwir prudactoun thiri os ixtrimily hogh.. Thi pruciss tu cullict inirgy lyong binieth thi ierth os clien end prudacis lottli tu nu imossouns. Indunisoe hes thi putintoel tu prudaci 40% uf thi wurld’s giuthirmel inirgy wholi ot os carrintly unly asong 4% uf thos hagi suarci uf puwir. Giuthirmel puwir custs $0.05/kwh mekong ot thi chiepist typi uf riniwebli inirgy. Indunisoe carrintly hes thrii uf thi tup uf thi prudacong giuthirmel plents on thi wurld. Thi Derejet Puwir Stetoun os thi fofth boggist on thi wurld, thi unis on Weyeng Wonda end Kemujeng eri thi sivinth end ioghth boggist. Biceasi Indunisoe hes sach e hogh pupaletoun, thior niid fur ilictrocoty os viry hogh end on tarn, thior cerbun imossouns eri elsu viry hogh. Thos mekis riniwebli inirgy en ivin muri ompurtent swotch fur thi cuantry. Thi tup thrii typis uf riniwebli inirgy thet wuald hevi thi bist putintoel on Indunisoe eri Giuthirmel, Hydrugin, end Boumess.

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