the book of nehemiah

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The book chosen for this report is on the Book of Nehemiah. The theological theme of this book is centered on Babylonian time and the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem, the rehearsal of certain divine laws and the restoration of ancient ordinances. Nehemiah was a priest who serves as a cupbearer for King Artaxerxes. During his time of serving this King he felt a prompting to go and rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Nehemiah understood his position as a leader not a cupbearer and took of advantage of having favor with God and the King he served to go do the Lords work. The history of this man’s life is shown through the willingness to rebuild Jerusalem and bring the Jewish people back to a place that belongs to them.
The year that is presumed when the Book of Nehemiah was written is 446 B.C. He is the son of Hacaliah. Also it is known to be considered to be one book with the Book of Ezra with Nehemiah first and then Ezra. The separation of the book took place about the 4th century A.D. All of the works of Nehemiah took place after Zerubbabel. His position was held in the Persian court and was very highly esteem. He also was considered to be eunuch. When Nehemiah decided to go and help build the walls of Jerusalem is during the twentieth reign of King Artaxerxes. The Jews during this time were those of the captivity that had returned under Zerubbabel and Ezra. Also they are the remnant in Judah. This is why the walls of Jerusalem were to be rebuilt.
The area where the temple was is in Palestine. The purpose is to show the long and slow process connected with the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the restoration of Israel after the Babylonian captivity. This is also reflection of the Jews in their rebirth as a nation and to reveal...

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... than by doing the labor themselves. So as a leader it is important to bring others along special projects because it encourages others to believe along with you. It shows your compassion for the hearts of the people as a leader. It is important as a leader that we are responsible for charting the course for others to follow. This is important because as Christians we have a duty to help others run this course with grace of God. Anyone can lead but where are they leading too. Leaders, who are called by God, should always seek God for the plan. Yet when they do receive the plan from God, it’s important to understand there will challenges of who you are, if you really heard from God, your integrity will be challenged and your hope in God. Focus is key. If we learn to stay focus we can be like Nehemiah building things in 52 days or in two months for the glory of God.

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