prenatal dna sequencing

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“Today some patients have their genomes sequenced to shed light on genetic diseases or illnesses like cancer, but one day people will not wait until they are sick, for they will already know the data at birth, says Arthur Beaudet. In this day in time scientist are testing out procedures in which parents will be able to alter their child’s genes. This means parents will have the will to create their child in a way they see fit. Although, this is a technological breakthrough for scientist, many obstacles stand in the way of widespread use of prenatal DNA sequencing. To understand prenatal DNA sequencing scientist must look into the genetic inheritance and DNA of the child, for the procedure itself it creates many positive and negative effects; for the uncertain parents they must look into the procedure and learn from genetic counselors which could be the best choice, not only does providing a genetic counselor endure genetic counselors prenatal DNA sequencing also requires tons of money alone.
By reading the DNA of a fetus Prenatal DNA sequencing is the next dividing line of the genome revolution. Prenatal DNA sequencing is a noninvasive screening in which scientist can be able to sequence the DNA before birth. This is a primary process of gene altering in which where researchers are trying to correct an imperfection in a child. Scientist has discovered by a mother giving her blood sample and the father giving a spit sample, an entire genome of their fetus can be born. Clinical test capitalize on this DNA to discern the baby’s sex and determine whether mother and child have incompatible Rh blood groups, which can lead to fatal complications. Every gene and every chromosome known about a baby’s genetic make-up, while still in the u...

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... to go through the DNA make-up child. When choosing prenatal DNA sequencing there are many positives that come along with it, such as being able to lessen the amount of genetic diseases within in the child. Although there can be many positives, there are many negatives that fall along with prenatal DNA sequencing, such as whether its right for the parent to alter their child’s genes. If a parent is still quite unsure of their decision they are able to go to genetic counselor, counselors in which are trained to help make an informed decision for the parent. Genetic counselors also are trained to provide information to the parent of a child with genetic diseases. A huge factor when choosing whether to undergo prenatal DNA sequencing is the cost of the procedure. Also if the family chooses to use a genetic counselor that adds on to the cost of prenatal DNA sequencing.

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