Prenatal Development Research Paper

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The prenatal period is considered the period between the conception of a baby until its birth. During this time embryo's and fetus go through major changes to prepare for their life after birth. In the years after they are born, what we call infancy and toddlerhood, while as adults we don't seem to change much in a year or two, children go through many changes that are crucial in developing the patterns of their futures. The first thing that this section tells us about is the three main periods of prenatal development. Prenatal development is the process where a baby has developed from a single cell to an embryo and finally to a fetus. The book describes it as "the most dramatic and extensive transformation of one's entire life occur[ing] …show more content…

The first period, the germinal period, is classified as the first two weeks after conception, that is identified by how fast cells divide and differentiate. During this phase a zygote duplicates. After that differentiation begins, this is where early cells take on their own characteristics and move to their predetermined locations. Once that is complete a cell mass will then become either a placenta or a nucleus, together they will become the embryo. The second period is called the embryonic period. This. Is this stage of development that occurs during the third to the eighth week after conception. During this phase, the basic structural forms of the baby's body appear. At the beginning of this period a line (the primitive streak) appears turning into the neural tube, and eventually turning into the central nervous system. in the fourth week eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and minuscule blood vessels (becoming the heart) begin to appear. Between the fifth week and the end of the embryonic period arms, legs, hands, feet, fingers, and toes appear. The final stage, the …show more content…

Specifically, the biosocial, cognitive, and psychosocial development of children. Biosocial development is all growth and change that happens in a person's body. As well as genetic, nutrition, and health factors that have an effect on the growth and change of children. During this time motor skills (a simple action that requires it using their muscles) are the dominant development. Cognitive development is mental processes that are used in order to gain knowledge or to think about things around you. It includes perception, judgment, imagination, language, memory, and education (formal and informal). The last type of development children go through is psychosocial development. This kind of development is the development of a child's emotions, social skills, and temperament. As well as the child's family, friends, and surrounding society being the

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