outside reading assignment

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Outside Reading Assignment After studying in this course over several topics throughout United States History from Ancient America to 1877 the destruction of the Mexica Empire interested me the most. After Christopher Columbus sailed across the Atlantic ocean, falling short of his desired destination landed on the island of Espanola, (present day Dominican Republic and Haiti). Thus this begins several voyages from Spain to the America’s in order to seek gold, glory and honor for themselves and their county. Before the start of the history of the United States, it started off as a conquest of lands and peoples.. CONTINUE HERE2 Once Christopher Columbus landed on the shores of Haiti and the Dominican Republic word spread across Spain like wildfire that Christopher had succeeded in sailing across the Atlantic Ocean. Other countries such as Spain and Portugal sent conquistadors to explore the New Territory and claim lands for their own people. Spain under the rule of Isabella and Ferdinand sent Hernan Cortez, an incredible charismatic leader who was cunning, ruthless and highly educated. Hernan set sail for the coast of Mexico where he landed on the small island of San Juan de Ulua, just along the Eastern Coast of Mexico. As he set sail there will there be more to it Upon landing inland in Mexico Hernan knew that he had to win the trust of the indeginous people in order to share rule. The capital of the Mexica or the Aztecs was Tenochtitlán, a large and vast city full of large buildings and communities where they flourished. The leader of this small city-state was Montezuma, who was cared and adored by his people. The people of Tenochtitlán worshiped and feared a demi god Qoetocotal because he founded the land which they stay ... ... middle of paper ... ...o consideration of who it might effect of what the future damages it might cause. A basic principle of the Native American culture was every time they took from the land, they gave back and they used everything of what they took leaving nothing to waste. For example if the Native American needed lumber in order to build houses or perhaps boats, when they cut down a tree they used every part of it in order to make whatever they needed, and when they were done they would plant another tree to replace the one that was taken from the Earth. Along with destroying the Native American culture the Europeans forced their religious on the Native American. Eventhouth they did not believe in the same things or worshpped in the same wsy as the Euopeans or did not believe in the same type of gods, they again considered the Native Americans as hethens inseteaf og inividuals.

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