mrs j

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In this assignment, I will discuss the about Mrs. J’s case study and analyses her needs in psychosocial approach. This study will consist basic idea of bereavement and loss -in a supportive way to Mrs. J. - with key psychosocial issues such as gaining trust and confidence while supporting her needs. Also will explain main characteristics of four theories - Humanist, Psycho dynamics, Behaviorists, and Life stages - in supporting Mrs. J’s needs. According to World Health Organisation , health is “Not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”, but rather, “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being”. [ Dr.Binks- Swain, J (2014)] If some one has not ability maintain their health as mentioned above, then the extra support or interventions such as Social services, Counseling, Medical professional’s inputs are vital. By having the extra support, they can maintain a healthy life style. In this case study - Mrs. J’s case – I will see more psychosocial approach is appropriate rather than medical/ clinical intervention. In regards to bereavement or loss, we think and discuss about it very little in our everyday life. It either we encounter it less and uncommon in our daily life compare to our ancestors or these losses usually happen in our later stages of life - as Mrs. J finally face it. So we learn about grieving and come to terms with it, do things as we feels and finally we have to cope and adjust, when we face the death of someone we love [Pitt, B. Timms, P (2013)]. Grieving is we all face after any loss. It is very powerful following a death of someone we love. Grieve is not just one feeling; it is a succession of feeling and will take considerable time to get through.[Hawton, K. Simkin, S (200... ... middle of paper ...] 5. Acceptance: ” I am at peace with what is coming” . This is the final stage of healing and it is about accepting the reality, means nothing can changes about the loss and finally come to terms with it. It does not mean that client – Mrs. J- is happy with the loss . However she learns to move on [Dr.Binks-Swain, J. (2014) ] [] There will not specific time frame for each of the about stages and some of the factors may affect the intensity and length of your grieving will be, [ (2014)] 1. The relationship Mrs. J had with her husband 2. The circumstances leading to his death 3. Her own life experiences By understanding the loss in Psycho-social approach with the following theories will enable us to help Mrs. J more appropriately.

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