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Despite decades of different disputes this is what I believe science claims verses what people claim about mermaids. The age old question, Are Mermaids Real?
Science claims that the sightings of mermaids are only typical marine animals misinterpreted. Science claims that these sightings of “human-size ocean animals such as manatees and dugongs” (Radford). “These animals have a flat, mermaid-like tail and two stubby flippers that resemble typical mer-folk legends. Most sightings were from a distance and “being mostly submerged in water and waves, only parts of their bodies were visible.” (Radford). In 2009 new reports show that someone sighted a mermaid off the coast of Israel. It was claimed that this mer-folk creature was “preforming tricks at sunset for people who watched over the course of several months.” (Radford). These reports were later dismissed and thought to be illusions of the waves against the sun, and/or a hoax to attract tourism.
In a recent show on Animal Planet called “Mermaids: The Body Found” Shows a few boys finding a live body of what was said to be a mer-folk, that had washed ashore along with some beached whales. The show was so convincing that the National Oceanic Atmosphere Administration (NOAA) represented this video. After receiving enough inquires (views) following the TV special, they issued a statement in late June. Officially denying the existence of mermaids, or simply denying for a government cover up. Tales about mythical creatures have been used to get the scoop on what may have sparked belief in these creatures. “A sea captain off the coast of new found land describes Captain John Smith seeing a mermaid swimming about, with all possible grace. He pictured her having large eyes; Smit...

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... explains these features, and that a transaction from ape to hominid in a non-aquatic- environment.” ( This theory may also explain a claim made by science that infants can swim right out of birth. They automatically know how to hold their breath and move in water. “this response has been present in terrestrial mammals for centuries.” This theory may also explain why some humans can hold their breath for nearly 20 minutes. That’s longer then a Dolphin can dive.
In my conclusion I believe that the Aquatic Ape theory seems to be an explanation for the existence of mermaids. Mermaids have been the main stories of mythical creatures for decades. “Misinterpreted animals” is science way of denying the existence of mermaids, or are they simply covering up a government secrete? Despite scientific claim in my opinion many people still believe mermaids are real.

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