i search paper: how to thrive as a foreign service officer

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Foreign Service career is a diverse corps of working professionals who represents America’s interest and responding to the needs of American citizen in other counties around the world. As I researched the process of becoming a Foreign Service officer I learned there are five major career tracks: Consular, Economics, and Management, political and public diplomacy. They work in embassies, consulates and other diplomatic missions .They can be sent anywhere in the world, any time to serve their countries diplomatic needs.
Although there is no educational requirement for entering the Foreign Service field a majority of the workers have a Bachelor’s degree or higher. Helpful college or graduate school courses include English, foreign language, government, geography, international history, economics. Public speaking and commerce. Applicants must pass the competitive Foreign Service written exam, offered once a year in most major urban centers and at embassies and consulates abroad. Candidates who pass the written test take an all-day Oral Assessment. Passing this leads to : a comprehensive physical exam , a rigorous background security check leading to a top secret clearance, and a final review of the individual’s entire file to ensure his/her suitability for the especially stressful and unusual conditions of a Foreign Service career. While candidates do not have to be familiar with another language, fluency can gain bonus points in the rankings and speed the time to receive a job offer. Also you must be an American citizen between the ages of 20-59 to be an FSO. This process is said to be selective more than the Harvard selection process (Career).
Individuals who pass all the tests are given ranking and put on a list of eligible ca...

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...rsity level.
Good diplomats’ goals are to maintain relationships where the two countries don’t have anything against each other; great diplomats are trustworthy and maintain friendly relationships between the countries. Diplomats usually discuss issues such as foreign aid and get everything on the table. The communications portion of the industry can be complicated because a diplomat is usually a middle man for the world leaders. A diplomat must make sure that their message is clear and that they are communicating exactly what their higher up wants them to say so that neither party is disappointed with your work.
There are embassies all over the planet with countries like the United States who have offices in every country except four. With this much diversity you can be stationed in any country and face many different environments with many different people.

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