financial stewardship

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I chose to study more about financial stewardship. This is important because we need to know as God’s people some ways to manage the money that God has given us to use and also how we can go about being financially sound without going into debt. For example, if you look at Matthew 18: 21-35 we see the famous parable that Jesus uses to teach about debt. In this story, Jesus teaches about forgiveness. If you take this parable deeper, Jesus is teaching about debt and using your money wisely.
A servant has borrowed money from his master. The master wants the money to be paid back. The servant could not pay back all that he owed to his master. The master was going to sell him and his family off so that the payment could be made. The servant asked for the master to give him some time and he would pay back everything tat he owed. The master released the servant and forgave the debt that he had. That same servant went out to one of his fellow servants who owed him less money. The servant who had the large sum of money forgiven wanted this other servant to pay all the money back. He was not about to forgive this fellow servant his debt. The master of the first servant found out about this and he was greatly disappointed with the servant. He had the servant thrown into jail because he could not forgive one who owed less.
This story shows how God views debt. If you are forgiven of one thing and someone owes you and they cannot repay, then it is your duty as a Christian to forgive the debt. If you do not forgive every one of your brothers with all of your heart, then God will “throw you in jail.” There are a few additional places in the bible where it talks about debt and “financial stewardship.” There is an important point that is made rep...

... middle of paper ... Additionally, in the parable of the ten talents we learn a little about God’s view for Christians on debt.
As a result of this project, I have learned that money is something that God gave us. It is not meant for us to waste, but is meant to bring glory to the name of God. We need to use the money that he has given us in a way that is pleasing to him. Some things that I would suggest as a result of this project is sitting down and looking at all the options you have for living and for a vehicle. Additionally, pray about what you want to buy. Don’t just go out to buy something that you think you may want, go out and buy something that will benefit the kingdom of God here on earth. The bible has a lot to say about how God wants us to use our money wisely. I have just enough information to analyze what God wants me to do and to be a financially sound Christian.

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