The Morality Of Love In The Apostle Paul's Agape Love

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TIME TO LOVE The apostle John declared: “God is love.” In the Koine Greek, Agape love is that not only that love is from God, but that it is of God. God Himself loves. Love is one of the moral attributes of God Agape love is self-sacrificing. The LORD Almighty loved the world so much that He sent His only son, to death; death on a cross. .
Where there is faith, there is love. Where there is love, there is God. The apostle Paul in his letter to the Romans wrote that we have an obligation to meet all of our obligations. All debt, be they civil or financial, require that we act responsibly. Monetary debts incurred from borrowing, purchasing, contractual agreements, or commercial exchanges, although they cannot be wholly avoided in …show more content…

His nature and character is the very expression of His being. He is the example par excellence, in that He died on the cross when we were “dead in trespasses and sin.” God’s agape love was demonstrated without merit. There is no fear in love. He demonstrated His love even when we did not love Him, by first loving us. The LORD demonstrated His love when Jesus came into the world to seek and save the lost. He paid the definitive sacrifice for those He loved. Equally, we are to love sacrificially. It transcends family and encompasses the beloved community.
Lord Jesus beseeches us to make the ultimate sacrifice in the parable of the Good Samaritan. It is an admirable example of love. During Christ’s times, the Samaritans and the Jews were in opposition in that the Samaritans had pagan ancestry. There was an increased tension towards Jew traveling through Samaria. Also, the Jews felt that they would be contaminated or polluted traveling though Samaria. In the face of their mutual dislike for one another, the parable of the Good Samaritan relates the greatest sacrifice. The Samaritan dismissed or diminished his feelings, and responded to an act of will, by putting the welfare of the man found on the Jericho road above his own. He picked him up, cared for him and provided for future care for …show more content…

This love is an unpretentious and genuine love directed towards each other as kindred spirits. It is not focused on kinsman from the same country, same city, or the same town. It is not bound for those of the same religious beliefs, ethnic groups, or cultural groups. Rather, it sees the differences and reinforces it with love. The apostle Paul exemplified it by saying: Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.” It is a love that is defined as a part of the household that is intrinsically in the Body of Christ. Frequently, when I am in church on in communication with people of faith, saying I love you, is an expression of that Philia

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