coming of age

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Adolescence is known as the most difficult stage of the human being, since is the transition through childhood to adulthood and implies taking on new responsibilities and leaving behind some behaviours and attitudes that were part of our childhood. Most of the times, adolescents are stuck in a confusion stage in their lives. They get frustrated and overwhelmed while struggling to find their own identity. During this process of transformation adolescents seem to constantly shift, they may act one way with a particular group of peers and completely different with another, they abruptly change their mood and it is very difficult for adults to understand what’s going on with them. Adolescence is not an easy stage and teenagers typically feel that their all alone and that nobody understand them, yet rarely they want someone else’s advices. Since teenagers spend most of their time at school, teachers are used to deal with the general changes their students go through while growing up and many times teaching books that deal with adolescents going through the same circumstances, help teachers to make their students feel identify with someone else and find out that they are not the only ones going through the same process of growing up and how normal is to feel as confused as they are. Both, Repossessed by A.M.Jenkins and Postcards from no man’s land by Aidan Chambers deal with the story of adolescents who struggle to find their identities which make them very appealing for teenagers who are going through similar circumstances. Still, both books present the same topic in very different ways.

A .M. Jenkins’ Repossessed deals with the story of Kiriel, a fallen angel who is tired from his life as a demon and decides to take a vacation. Ki...

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...her life. A long the novel, we can see how Chamber shows that feelings of confusion, excitement and fear are common to all teenagers, regardless of their historical setting, as they struggle to come into their own. He shows completely different stories of two teenagers who live in two completely different decades and yet share the same struggle to find their places in the world. At the same time this novel shows that young adults “deal with problems that have concerned individuals for centuries: honesty, developing friendships, overcoming loneliness, finding a place in society, and dealing with family member” (Bucher and Manning 165) which makes young adults to feel more understand and realised that they are not alone and that all his friends are going through the same situations and that at the same time those adults around them have gone through the same as well.

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