Zora Neale Hurston's Dust Tracks On A Road

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As a reader of the Zora Neale Hurston book; Dust Tracks on a road, I discovered many different significance of the title. Zora was a little black girl growing up in the 1900’s, where in that time period their where a lot of race riots. She never established that she was misused or treated poorly by whites. According to Zora she got the most love and gracious from whites. Due to that time period a color girl being civil with whites and getting treated nicely by whites was not usual. Zora father was the person in town who established all the rules, so Zora had to have this attitude and act presentable because who her father was. At the age of nine Zora lost somebody who was very much important to her (her mother). Growing up without a mother is rather difficult for a little black girl in that time period and can cause many emotions. Many may not understand but can make you want to live a strong life and give your all to do something. As a child a white man said these words to Zora “Do not be a nigger” (Hurston, 1900’s, p.x). Not meaning it as don’t be black, but meaning be more than the color of your skin. As Zora set out on big dreams and goals to not be just a nigger but to be more. So as you think about the title this road that Zora has made she has to gone down this dusty to be a better Zora and not just for herself but for everybody in her race to make them succeed.
Zora Neale Hurston grew up in Eatonville, Florida also known as “Negro Town” (Hurston, 1960, p.1). Not because of the town was full of blacks, but because the town charter, mayor, and council. Her home town was not the first Negro community, but the first to be incorporated. Around Zora becoming she experienced many hangings and riots. Not only did Zora experience t...

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...dies the theme, because Zora was never a nigger. She tried her best to be everything but that just as she promised the man. Zora was so much more than just a ‘nigger” she brought the best that any black women could bring in that time period. She made sure she stood outside her color where ever she went. Not because she was ashamed of who she was, but because she wanted to be more than her color. Not be black women who have not accomplished much but that black women who open doors. Going through her life making an impact on things she believed in rather it hurt blacks or rather it disappointed whites. She made the best with what she had even though she knew what she had could have been more. You can believe in so much but you have to eventually go out and find out for yourself. Zora proved that quote so many times to ensure that she did what she had to do many times.

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