Young People can make a difference

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Hubert H. Humphrey said “There are those who say to you- Were rushing the issue of civil rights I say we are 172 years late. In the 1950s and 60s The African Americans in the South wanted Equal rights as the white people in the South had. Not just the older African Americans but the black kids played a very important role in getting equal. In fact the kids might have been the reason they got them. In this time period the blacks were doing everything they could to get equal rights. But overall the kids may have been trying the hardest. On August 28, 1955 A young boy named Emmitt Till was brutally murdered by some white men in the south. Emmitt Till lived up North where blacks had equal rights but he had to come stay with his Uncle that summer. Emmitt being from the North meant he didn’t know how blacks were treated in the South. So one day he went to the store to buy some candy. On the way out he whistled at the White Female cashier. The men that were outside heard the boy whistle at her and they didn’t like that at all. So that night the men went to Emmitt’s uncles house an...

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