'Young Dumb And Broke' By French Montana

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From trying to avoid awkward conversations at South Village of the campus of Florida Gulf Coast University to my home, the rhythm of music keeps on playing. Whether it be relaxing in the comfortable setting of my house or entering a party, music keeps playing. Personally, music is an instrument that allows me to connect with particular moments or experiences that have taken place in my life. Music titles such as “Young Dumb and Broke” by Khalid, “Happy” by Pharrell Williams and “Unforgettable” by French Montana. These songs have a profound impact on my daily life.
From the moment, I first heard of the song “Young Dumb and Broke” by Khalid the high tempo beats, and cheerful lyrics create a sense of optimism and mentions challenges that will take place during my young adult life. The timing of the release of the song happened during a significant time in my life, the end of the senior year. This song gave me nostalgic vibes of my …show more content…

An additional song that has an upbeat feeling at the core, this song is like a "swiss army knife" it has multiple uses and interpretations to me and others. To me, this song was a feel-good anthem whether I blast it on my earphones at the gym or trying to overcome a gloomy day at class it never fails to bring joy to my heart. The lyrics that hit me most in the song are the time which Pharrell is stated as saying "My level's too high to bring me down can't nothing bring me down, I said” …… The song had an impact on my life due to the fact I had self-esteem issues transiting from middle to high school. In a way, this song motivated me not to bring down my head when something doesn’t go my way. At a period of my life, this song was a real confidence booster because a preteen like me was exposed to cruel realities like bullying and demonizing actions people do to others. For me, and millions of others, this song has a special place in their

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