Yellow Fever Essay

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Yellow Fever is a viral infection that is caused from the bite of an infected female mosquito, they are mainly found in areas of Africa and South America. There are three main types of the Yellow Fever virus: Sylvatic yellow fever, Intermediate yellow fever, and Urban yellow fever. Sylvatic yellow fever also known as jungle yellow fever is started by mosquitoes breeding in tree holes in areas, such as banana plantations; monkeys become infected when they are bitten by an infected mosquito, it continues to spread as uninfected mosquitoes bite and infected monkeys; then the process comes to humans where they become exposed to the virus when they are bitten by and infected mosquitos. The intermediate cycle are only in Africa and is also called …show more content…

The last cycle is the urban cycle which is transmitted between human and mosquitoes, but mainly Aedes aegypti.
The virus cannot be transmitted directly from person to person, with that being said if a person does become infected there is no treatment for the virus. Now efforts to reduce pain and lower the fever are taken but the medications used for it have to be chosen carefully because some may increase a bleeding risk. Some of the symptoms of this virus are an abdomen and muscle pain; the whole body get the chills, fatigue, fever begins, or may have an loss of appetite; it’ll cause bleeding, delirium, headaches, nausea, vomiting, and the main reason it’s called ‘Yellow’ Fever because it may turn your skin or eyes yellow. The first outbreak of the yellow fever virus was in Yucatan …show more content…

There are several people that should not be routinely vaccinated: infants less than 9 months or less than 6 months during an outbreak, pregnant women, people with severe allergies to egg protein, and people with severe immunodeficiency. With that being said the WHO says that 50% of the people who do not get the treatment or vaccination for the disease will die from it. The CDC has identified roughly around 44 countries that have a high risk of yellow fever transmission, majority of them are in tropical climate areas. Vaccination is highly advised for people traveling through these countries, because the disease has no cure and can be very deadly.
In 2016 the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which is part of the NIH, had begun a clinical trial of a vaccine designed to protect people against yellow fever viruses. The WHO has reported a total of 3,682 cases of yellow fever with a death toll of 361 as of July 21, 2016. It is said there have been more than 105 million people in Africa who have been vaccinated against the virus since 2006, despite the success of how many people who have been vaccinated there is also a shortage of vaccine supplies. Since then there has been no outbreaks of yellow fever in West Africa during

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