Yahoo Conspiracy Theory

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Lazar A, Hirsch T. Online Gatekeepers of History: Yahoo! Answers Community Discussing
Holocaust Denial. Current Psychology [serial online]. September 2013; 32(3):281-296. Available from: Academic Search Complete, Ipswich, MA. Accessed February 2, 2015.
Lazar and Hirsch conducted an analysis of what the population considers the reasons of the Holocaust denial through Yahoo Q&A. The most discussed question about the holocaust was why people believe it did not happen. Conspiracy theories are based on four assertions: the first one claims historians exaggerate the Jews suffering, the second one claims death camps were not enough to kill all the victims, the third one claims the Nazi regime had no intention of genocide for the Jews, and the last …show more content…

Holocaust Denial Literature Twenty Years Later: A Follow-up Investigation of
Public Librarians’ Attitudes Regarding Acquisition and Access. Judaica Librarianship [serial online]. July 2014; 18:54-87. Available from: Academic Search Complete, Ipswich, MA. Accessed February 4, 2015.
The Holocaust denial does not seek to differently interpret historical facts, but to reject them through the lack of evidence. Drobnicki analyzed how people react to the material about Holocaust denial in the libraries throughout the last years by using a survey directed to librarians. Being a controversial topic, there is no much information a library can have, nevertheless, the quantity has upraised. Final results suggested information about the holocaust denial was a clear sample of freedom of speech, but it was not scholarly.
Lasson, Kenneth. “Defending Truth: Legal And Psychological Aspects Of Holocaust
Denial.” Current Psychology 26.3/4 (2007): 223-266. Academic Search Complete. Web. 5 Feb.

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