Writing Process

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In the class lecture “Writing and Revision Process” I learned the steps to writing a paper that meets the needs of an audience's the purpose of the paper. The first step is preparation. You prepare physically and mentally before you write a paper. To physically prepare, you use a calendar to plan out your time to work on the paper, then you make sure that the space you’ll be working in has what you need and is rid of distractions. To mentally prepare you reread the assignment given and determine the audience and the purpose of the paper. The audience determines the language, depth of the detail in the writing, and the needs that need to be met. The purpose of the paper is the goal of the writing, for example; are you defining, informing, persuading, …show more content…

Also inspiration isn't needed to write a paper. Many people write papers that they don’t want to write or don’t have any knowledge of until researching to write about the topic.
The second step to writing a paper is the research. Asking yourself what you know and your opinion, beliefs, or personal experiences will help determine the route that the paper will take. Then do secondary research from a trustworthy source and primary research like a survey or interview. Take notes on everything that you might want to include and cite all things that you copy and paste.
The third step is to outline your paper and make sure that major points are included, so that they will be covered in the paper. The fourth step follows directly after outlining which is drafting the paper. When drafting, re- evaluate your calendar and make sure your time management is sufficient. While drafting look over the outline and expand it into paragraphs and also use it as a reference to make sure everything is covered. While writing people can be tempted to revise while drafting, however, this distracts the mind from the real task which is turning thoughts and research into a draft paper which can later be revised. After the draft is done, revise and edit by adding in anything missing, or changing the way something is written if it doesn't

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