Writing Errors In College

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As a homeschool mom you know that children who learn to write well will do better in college and even in life. Yet it is hard to know the difference between a dangling participle and a sentence fragment. How are we supposed to be able to grade their work or tell them how to write better beyond spelling errors?

Even professional writers such as myself struggle with editing our own work. Then to teach that to my boys has just led to arguments and cries of “But I want to be original, Mom!” My oldest hates to remember what to capitalize, what not to, and when.

I tease Logan that there can only be one ee cummings.

Thankfully, I don’t have to be the mean guy. There are three free online editor programs that will tell the boys when they need to fix what they wrote. It also helps me to be an even more awesome writer than I already am! These programs can remember all the spelling and grammar rules. They also do word choice analysis as well as other important editing tasks.

The Three On-line Editing Programs are Grammarly, Hemingway app, Grammarly, and PaperRater. Some of these apps do some things better than others and some of them are easier to understand than others. It just all depends on which one you feel thinks like you do. I do all three and in that order for all my writing and to grade the …show more content…

I like that it shows the grade level of the writing. The best blog posts are about a grade 5. That means it is easier to read through fast. People don’t have time to get into heavy-duty reading when these days. This app does not need any download. While you can write in it I find it easier to paste in already written text. It highlights sentences that are hard to read, adverbs, and use of passive voice as you type. Then you rewrite the highlighted areas until they are no longer highlighted. Doing this has forced me to make my writing tighter and more to the point. This video shows what it looks like and how it

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