Write Down Spoken Discourse

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Transcription is the act of writing down spoken discourse so that the discourse can b analyze. There are some features of talk that are hard to capture in transcription, like pauses, overlaps, utterances that are cut off, as well as noises that come from speech. Overlaps or simultaneous speech is perhaps the hardest part of spoken conversation to transcribe because it can be supportive or obstructive like in an interruption. It is hard to find out if the overlap is supporting someone’s statement or question or if it is taking away or disregarding what the person has said, pauses are also hard to capture because it can be a sign of silence or someone thinking of what are going to say next. Overlaps are also hard to transcribe because you have …show more content…

In this conversation- the turn-taking cues were verbal, in many of the utterances the verbal cue was syllable lengthening and the pitch change when it was time for someone else to talk. In this conversation, there were many instances where there was silence or pauses. Almost everytime there was a pause, like in turn two the pause could have also been silence, it is hard to decipher a pause from silence. An overlap is when speakers attempt to speak simultaneously; it is represented in transcription by square brackets. There were two instances of overlap in this conversation that were hard to transcribe because you had to listen closely when they were occurring as was shown in turns five and six. (Yule, 2014, CH. 11)Minimal responses are expressions used to indicate people are listening, understanding or agreeing. Some minimal response that was in this conversation were um, and yeah. Adjacency pairs are a sequence of turns that go together in a conversation. There were mainly question and answer adjaceny pairs in this conversation with some request for information and providing information, as well as assessment and agreement. When Luis said “Do you like um look up translations after you listen to each song?”, and Tiffany responded with yeah, that was a preferred response to his question because it was agreeing to his assessment and it was short, simple and without a response because her respond. There were no instances of opening or closing sequences in this conversation. A repair in a conversation is when a participant feels the need to correct his or herself or another, edit a previous utterance or to restate something that was said in a clearer way. I found a repair in this conversation when Luis said” Let’s see how strong your fandom is to uh ... Exo “, and Tiffany responded with “what?'" and Luis

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