Write An Essay About Elisho Marquez's Life

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There was once a great man named Elio Ignacio, who was the most talented, handsome, respected musician and dancer of all South America. There was no one who could disagree, even his fiercest competitors. He was the ideal man that all women swooned for and all men thrived to be. And Elio was extremely aware of all of this. However, despite the benefits of fame, money, and privileges, it made him busy and stressed. One of the two people he loved and trusted in his life who made it all bearable and worth it was his best friend, Vasco Emilio, who wasn't famous but occasionally allowed Elio to use his beautiful voice to accompany Elio’s music. There wasn't anyone else who could compare to Vasco, with his amazing voice and the great friendship they shared. The other person who Elio loved dearly, was his beloved wife, Maria, who he loved more than anything in the world and would do anything to make her happy. Maria was everything in Elio’s eyes and heart, which was why he kept her in his villa, so no one could take her away from him. It was a big and gorgeous villa where the sky was always blue …show more content…

And, nevertheless, the more it continued the more Vasco felt guilty. So one day, Vasco went to Elio’s villa. Once he found Elio in his personal studio, he confessed to Elio what Maria and he did while he was working, he told him every detail from how it started to what exactly they did, and claimed it made her happy to be out and to be loved when she was neglected. Elio was devastated when he heard this, to hear that the love of his life, his everything would disobey him, would make a fool of him, would break his heart in the most awful way with someone who didn't work hard for her. Engulfed in fury, Elio went to go find Maria, who was unfortunately eavesdropping from outside of the door, to choke the reasons out of her. Unfortunately for her, that was what he did, but more choking and less

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