Workplace Bullying Paper

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Workplace bullying can have a major effect on both, the employees and the company. However, not everyone in the workplace has experienced the effects of workplace bullying but may have witnessed another co-worker being bullied or perhaps being the perpetrator. In this research paper, one will discuss the following topics, “Responding to Workplace Bullying, the Role of Human Resource, work and safety risk management and how they relate to core values of respect, integrity, and the community”.
The American Psychological Association (n.d.) defines bullying as “a form of aggressive behavior in which a person or group may intentionally cause another individual harm or humiliation”. Workplace bullying takes on different forms and can be presented …show more content…

Some important steps that should be considered when HR management respond to complaints of workplace bullying includes; confidentiality, take the matters serious, be fair and avoid discrimination, keep accurate reports regarding the complaints and communicate the process and outcome. However, HR professionals play a critical role in implementing anti-bullying policies and intervention programs to help organizations avoid behaviors of workplace …show more content…

Ethics is about knowing the difference between what are right or wrong and what is perceived to be normal or abnormal behavior. Therefore, HR professionals are responsible for addressing any unethical behavior in the workplace that may affect an employee’s physical or psychological well-being. It is also important that employers and their entire staff adhere to the zero tolerance anti-bullying conduct policy. Therefore, it is the duty of the HR department to ensure that every organization have the right polices and ethic guidelines are put in place for all staff members to review on regular basic.
To build workplace integrity, both managers and supervisors must develop and maintain a respectful workplace, and one that demonstrates the value of the organization and models professionalism. An ethical and professional workplace takes in consideration the safety risks as they relates to workplace integrity. An organization of integrity involves ethical leadership, effective management, and supervision against workplace bullying. Therefore, every individual in a professional management position are responsible for monitoring and promoting a workplace free of bullying and

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