Wondering If My Hair Is Naturally This Long And Healthy?

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Marketing Advertisement
I found a Facebook advertisement for a hair product in my Facebook news feed. The ad states, “Wondering If My Hair Is Naturally This Long & Healthy? TRUST ME IT IS! I Found This Remedy A Month Ago & I CANNOT Believe How Long It Is Now!” The headline under the image states, “Popular Remedy Increase Hair Growth 3x The Average Rate!” "I finally ended the embarrassment & self consciousness caused by my damaged hair and started feeling beautiful and confident again!” The image is a 3-panel photograph. The first image is the back of a woman with very long wavy hair. Her hair is ombre colored. It fades from dark brown to blonde. The woman’s hands are raised so we can see the actual length of her hair. The third image is a photograph …show more content…

Facebook is a very personable platform, which makes one want to believe this woman’s personal experience with this product. It does not seem like an advertisement truly but more like a personal account. The picture affects the content and meaning by creating excitement and desire to learn more. The video relies heavily on the pathos appeal and attempts to pull of the heartstrings of women who can relate to hair loss and grab onto their insecurity. My response certainly varies from one medium to the other. Personally, I find the Facebook ad to be more believable because it seems more personable. I am not loosing my hair so I cannot truly relate to the video. I find that video is filled with too much pathos and seems way too “addy”. Those women are also hired actresses, although they may have used the product. I just do not trust it as much as I do a personal Facebook review. I work in marketing so I have strong opinions of what I feel is believable and what is not. I believe producers of persuasive messages attempt to foresee every possible audience response and attempt to create ads that appeal to everyone in their target audience. My role is to do the research for myself after encountering a product I might be interested in. I think hearing more personal testimonies and seeing multiple before and after and progress pictures of numerous women would persuade to trust this product

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