Wonder By R. J. Palacio: An Analysis

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Wonder, by R.J. Palacio, tells the story of August Pullman’s first year in school. August was born with a collection of unexpected anomalies, which led to a series of surgeries throughout his childhood that caused him to be very weak. When he was finally strong enough, August started going to school at Beecher Prep, and though some may disagree, going to school had a positive impact on him. He was not only learning what the school wanted him to learn, but also what he needed to know to live a happy life. He also made many friends who supported him when he needed them to. There is no denying that even though it may have been the harder path, August’s experience in school was beneficial for him.

August went through many experiences at Beecher …show more content…

For instance, August compared himself to a piece of moldy cheese. He said, “I think it’s like the Cheese Touch in Diary of a Wimpy Kid… at Beecher Prep, I’m the moldy cheese,” (page 72). This was because of something the students called the “plague,” due to a rumor that if someone touched August and did not wash their hands immediately they would look like him. Hurtful occurrences and thoughts could easily damage August’s mind and confidence. On page 60, August asked, “Why do I have to be so ugly, Mommy?” He questioned this because he knew how other people sometimes saw him and he had begun to see himself that way too. However, not everyone sees him that way, and when he went to school he started to understand that. He became confident in knowing that it was not him that was “ugly,” but rather the few people around him who saw him that way. His experience at Beecher Prep helped him mature in that way and definitely helped him become more confident by the end of the year.

August’s first year of school was important in many ways. He learned many things in both life and academics. If he had not gone to school he would have remained naive and ignorant of multiple aspects of life. Despite it not being perfect, his positive experiences at Beecher Prep outweighed the negatives. The easy path is not necessarily the best one, and for August, there is no denying this held true. His first year

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