Wonder August Palacio

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“I’m not a monster!” August Pullman is just as any other normal fifth grader. He can do just about anything that other kids can do. The only problem is that he looks different from the rest of the students in the school. RJ Palacio wrote the book, Wonder, for many reasons but there’s one main one. I may look different on the outside, but it’s on the inside is what matters most. RJ Palacio wrote about a kid with a deformed face who goes and makes the choice to try middle school and any school for the first time ever. He has the main character, August, play the part of a shy, friendly, and really smart young boy. This is what puts the whole story together because August couldn’t make friends for the whole school year just because he was judged on his appearance. But, RJ Palacio made a character named Summer who chose to become friends with August over being popular. Summer left the popular table to come and sit with August because she wanted him to have a friend. The author planned and wrote this book so that we should all be friends with all different people even if they don’t look exactly like you because everyone is different. …show more content…

The author, RJ Palacio, wrote the book to be like this because not just August gets judged because of what he looks like but other people in the real world get judged too. The author wants the readers to relate if they have been judged because of what they look like. This book also wants the readers who maybe can’t relate to help stop it. The author wrote this book to help the readers to develop courage to stand up to those who are judging others just like August did. August stood up to the plate and tried his hardest to put a stop to those who didn’t accept him for who he

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