Uglies Book Analysis

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Envision this, the United States is undergoing a major change. Everyone has to get surgery when they are sixteen years old to make them look just like a "supermodel." The people who undergo the surgery, are called 'Pretties,' and the ones that do not, are called 'Uglies.' In the book series Uglies, I would choose to be an ugly. I would not want to look, act, and be just like the person next door. I want to be an original. If everyone looks the same, then it would be so hard to tell who is who. Also, if the government has an idea of pretty, who says it is pretty in someone else's mind? If this idea came to be, then I would be a rebel and not undergo surgery.Why would I want to look just like the person next door?

When someone says that someone else is unique, they mean that there is no one else in the world like them. In the book Uglies, this is not the case. As soon as someone turns sixteen, they have to go through surgery that makes them what the government thinks is pretty. Until then, the teenagers are labeled as 'Uglies.' If the government starts doing this, then they will be controlling how someone is on the outside, and possibly even their inside.

If you think that you look ugly, which in this book the government labels people as that, then that will …show more content…

They would want to be like everyone else. If someone is and ugly and all of their friends became a pretty, then their friends might cause that person to change to a pretty so they can be like their friends and everybody else. If anyone wanted to be an ugly, then they would most likely become a disgrace because they are not doing what the government, or your friends and family, wants you to be doing. In today's world, if you are different, then people are afraid of you. They do not want to go through change, because if something is different, then they do not like it, and they probably will do anything they can to change

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