Women's Roles During Ww2 Research Paper

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`Jesus Vega APUSH 06-09-15 A Woman’s World Role Women during the times were treated very differently than people were actually doing something for a living. During WWII, women were obligated to fulfill men's roles within the workplace while continuing to manage their domestic roles and leaving in impact. Women during the war period were not just the ordinary type of women. The wars were tough but the women were the ones that had it even tougher. During the Second World War, there was demanding of labor for the women that were now gonna start being apart of the groups that are now going to have a part in the workforce and labor force. The Government passed a law that allowed to women to take a chance and have a valuable job for them to support …show more content…

Women now being able to contribute to their society while the men were gone were good and bad. It was good because women now had some type of job and they were partially appreciated at times. It was bad because even though they were getting some type of pay, they weren't getting the equal pay and they were always getting discriminated by the jobs they had to do. The article of Striking Women stated that “The entry of women into occupations which were regarded as highly skilled and as male preserves, for example as drivers of fire engines, trains and trams and in the engineering, metal and shipbuilding industries, renewed debates about equal pay”(Striking Women). Women were working but they all earned different kind of amounts,Some wanted to argue and go on strike but they were outnumbered by the people that made the decision, so they just worked until they were told not to anymore. Turned out that women were just there to take the positions, some women were even scared to see what was going to happen when the men came back“they were also concerned that after the war, veterans would return to work and find that they had suffered pay cuts and reductions because their jobs had been reclassified as “female” positions while they were fighting overseas”(Massachusetts …show more content…

They went from firstly having the government see that the women were gonna be a huge contribution to the work force, then they went on and worked in the business of factories, they had to deal with the discriminations and the allegations people were telling them, then some decided to not do anything and then others decided to join the Peace Corps and in the end people noticed all the things women did and the impact they left in the social and economic actions. The Second World War really did bring out the womens hard work and commitment to keep what they had and

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