Women's Rights Thesis

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When speaking of equality, women always had to go through many obstacles and struggles just to simply receive the same rights as men. Women had to fight for their right to vote, to have equal pay as men, and even to have an abortion. One of the most monumental moments on behalf of the fight for women’s rights was the women’s rights movement, which took place in Seneca Falls, New York. The movement took place on July 19th and 20th in 1848, and came to be recognized as the Seneca Falls convention and it was lead by women’s rights activist Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Stanton created this convention in New York because of a visit from Lucretia Mott, who was a great public speaker, abolitionist and social reformer. She was a major advocate of women’s rights. The …show more content…

Employers would prefer hiring less women workers because they are more costly, instead they prefer to hire men to compete with the women and balance out any disparities with regards to wages. Some employers try discriminating female employees because of their ability to bear children, which therefore causes them to miss extended periods of work on what has become known as maternity leave of absence. This reference ties into the next point of women’s right to have an abortion and how some women may want to choose to have an abortion to avoid the risk of being discriminated against or even fired from her workplace for having a child. Having an abortion was another right that women had to fight for. Abortion is now legal in every state in the United States today because of the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade in 1973. Before the Supreme Court made the ruling in this case, ten states had an exception to the widespread ban of abortion. Jane Roe had stated that a woman was entitled to having a right of privacy and it is solely the choice of hers on whether or not she wants to carry out the pregnancy to full

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