Women In The Workforce

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In the United States women are in a constant struggle fighting for equality within the workforce. The root of this issue begins with society’s influence in America’s school systems. Society molds the young minds of children to believe that women must follow the status quo that is placed upon them which includes the belief that some occupations are not fit for a woman. As a result, this idea continues to fester as it follows the children throughout their life and causes conflict for women within the workforce. However, many will claim that women have had equal opportunity to men dating all the way back to the end of the “Women’s Rights Movement”. Although this argument sounds practical, it is nothing more than wishful thinking. In fact, in modern …show more content…

This comes from stereotypes and gender role expectations they are bombarded with as adolescents. Marie Chisholm-Burns continues to shed light on this issue in her article “Women in Leadership and the Bewildering Glass Ceiling” where she goes on to say, “Due to pervasive gender biases, stereotyping, and inadequacy or dereliction of organizational response to those issues, women may not consider pursuing leadership positions” (Chisholm-Burns 315). The quote is important because it shows that most women do not even consider running for various leadership positions due to society conditioning their mind that they are incapable. Furthermore, the main reasoning behind this thought process is the fact that men have traditionally been the ones to hold leadership positions. Most females are apprehensive of going against the conventional work place culture and instead remain in the role society has always placed them in. “Gender Equality” touches this subject where it says, “The woman, the one whose mind stands and pleads on her legs, bring about equality/ But whose body reacts not out of her own accordance and moves/ Moves, graceful, gentle, elegant, and FEMININE” (Linero). Linero is suggesting that women are not doing what they aspire to do and instead are in a constant struggle to maintain the image that they are expected to have. An opposer could dispute this by questioning women’s aspiration to take on leadership roles and argue that worrying about the conventionalities of the work place is pointless. Despite these being valid concerns, it is a far greater challenge than one might believe. In fact, men are just as influenced as women to the notion that women are the weaker gender. With this being said, it would be an extreme challenge for a man to take orders and work under a woman while possessing the idea that he is superior

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