Sexual Objectification of Women in Media

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Women and the Media
Since, the 1960s’ women in the United States have made significant progress in many diverse fields. Today, women can be found having significant positions in business, politics, sports, etc. The ability for women to choose which position they would like and in what field, was an option not always available to them, this right was won through much struggle. The fight for equality is not over however, because women still trail men in the amount each gender gets paid, with women being paid on average less than men. Another issue with gender in this country is the way women are portrayed in the media. I had an opportunity to read five different articles and each article was able to show that differences still exist between men and women with regards to the media and how each gender is portrayed.
The article Exposure to Sexually Exposure to Sexually Objectifying Media and Body Self-Perceptions among College Women: An Examination of the Selective Exposure Hypothesis and the Role of Moderating Variables is a two year study conducted on female undergraduate students and was written by Jennifer Stevens Aubrey. The main premise of the article is the exploration of objectivity theory. Objectivity theory states that “media that places women’s bodies and appearances at a premium can acculturate women to self objectify or to feel anxious or ashamed of their appearance”(Aubrey 161). The article tries to understand if media that sexually objectifies women, creates the environment whereby women think of themselves as objects to be appreciated. The article points out that this is a direct result of the American media’s focus on women’s bodies and body parts. Also, the other part of the study is to “understand the...

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...rticle written by Margaretha Geertsema. The articles by Aubrey and Tiggman talk about the objectification of women and its effect on the psyche of women, however the articles by Desmond, Danlewicz, Geertsema deal with the women and their lack of representation in the news media. Also, if they are represented in the media, it is usually related to health and human issues.
In conclusion, all five articles related to women in the media. Although, women have made many strides in the United States within the media there is a lack of new stories that relate to women. Also, the women depicted in the media represent an ideal that is not necessarily found in the real world. The lack of women on television has not gone unnoticed, Margaretha Geertsema believes that the news media should include women more and take into account the culture of women around the world.

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