Women In Advertising Essay

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Magazine advertisements are including any and all forms of advertising as displayed in magazines. This includes text advertisements, image advertisements, multimedia advertisements and the like. It includes any part of the magazine in which a company is reaching out to the audience to get the message of their idea or product into the consumer’s mindset. The young middle to upper class women consist of those who are female, fall between the ages of 15 and 21, and have either middle or upper class standing socioeconomically.
Since the launch of advertisements, women have always been presented in the most ideal way possible, the perfect women. There has always been issues with the presentation of women in advertising due to the fact that women are constantly objectified and over sexualized. This created the unrealistic beauty standards that men expect to see in women and that women strive to meet through whatever means possible. The advancement of technology is now only aiding in the increase of manipulating such advertisements. This alone is leading to the rise in self-destruction of women who try to fit such unrealistic images. Nowadays, there is an …show more content…

Since advertising first came about, women have been sexualized and used in advertising to convey a variety of messages. Those messages can range from being extremely provocative, to being valued and seen as less than of men, to being expected to be a housewife because “that’s what women should be and are good at.” The impact that such advertising has on women is quite horrific. It causes women to feel uncomfortable about themselves sexually and also leads them to feel oppressed. It causes women to have an even larger negative self-image of oneself and to also think about where they belong in society as they are constantly seen as below that of men. The effects of this play a crucial role as it can impact women throughout their

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