Women Equality Essay

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As we all know, women and men are different in their own distinctive ways. But together they make for a great partnership in the work field. Equality among men and women for the rights to coexist has moved our country in a new direction for women within the last century. The feminist movement was widely needed between 1848 and the 1920’s because women lacked the right to vote, among other things. Since women have been able to get to where they have been going within the movement, success for them has been greater than ever in modern times. But, there is always room for improvement in other aspects of equality. While we may never achieve perfect gender equality, there is still some injustices should not be overlooked. Women may be able to be …show more content…

The first female judge was elected in the 1920’s. They have advanced so much that women can now even be a candidate for president of the United States. There are also several things a women can do within the political arena. They can be in the army, become an astronaut, and become a fire fighter or a police officer. It became more socially acceptable to bring women into entertainment. There are separate women’s sports leagues, such as soccer, basketball, tennis, and softball. Although economically women may be CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies, they’re not all paid as fairly when in the same position and education as a man would …show more content…

Because men have the right to go topless wherever they please, whenever. Some extreme radical feminist believe it is necessary to conform to the equality of genders and fight to achieve, such as women can freely walk around topless. Lola Kirke, is the activist that runs around topless in the streets of New York, and campaigns on behalf of the right for women to be topless. Kirke then created a video to promote her extremity (Kenigsberg). As this is unnecessary in the Feminist world, it is looked at as what feminism is. Yes, it is to be as equal to men, but I believe is not necessary for this movement to be as extreme. It isn’t bettering the living situation for a women; therefore it is not needed. Women don’t need to have the right to be topless to survive within our nation. Things like this can bring our nation to an uproar, especially with more sexual harassment charges; which seems to be

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